Saturday 30 April 2011

Power Rangers Samurai

Power Rangers Samurai is the English adaptation of 侍戦隊シンケンジャ (Samurai Sentai Shinkenger). It is the 19th season of Power Rangers overall. The premise for this series is the same as most other Power Rangers Series; five teenage friends have been given special devices and powers that make them a group of Power Rangers to fight evil monsters. But before the review, a forward is in order here.
Power Rangers was created by Haim Saban and began airing in 1993 with Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, an English adaptation of 恐竜戦隊ジュウレンジャー (Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger). It has since become the most watched children’s program in America. In 2001, Power Rangers was acquired by Disney, an action that many adult fans of Power Rangers disapprove of. Then in 2010, Power Rangers was reacquired by Saban and is now making Power Rangers Samurai.
Now on to Power Rangers Samurai. The story is that centuries ago, a race of monsters known as Nighloks invaded the human world and brought civilization to it’s knees. But a group of brave warriors defeated them with special power symbols passed down through generations. The Nighloks were defeated and sealed away into the netherworld, never to disturb humanity again. But in modern day, the Nighloks have escaped the netherworld and plan to use human tears to overflow the San Zu river, allowing them to enter the human world and take it over. But a new generation of heroes stand in their way: the Samurai Power Rangers.
The main characters are the Samurai ranger team. Red Ranger Jayden, team leader, Blue Ranger Kevin, the serious samurai, Pink Ranger Mia, the big sister, Green Ranger Mike, the creative rebel, and Yellow Ranger Emily, the youngest and most innocent of the rangers.
Alongside other main characters besides the rangers is the ranger’s sensei, Mentor Ji, and the comedy relief duo, Bulk and Spike (Bulk is from the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers series, with Paul Schrier reprising his role, and Spike is Skull’s Son, Bulk’s best friend).
The villains of the series are the Nighloks, a species of monsters who live in the netherworld on the San Zu river. Their leader is Master Xandred, with his followers Dayu and Octoroo. Every episode usually features a new Nighlok who tries to help flood the San Zu river and the rangers halve to stop him.
The main thing that I like about Power Rangers Samurai, as with every other Power Rangers series that has existed, is that it is a children’s cartoon, but it is shot in live action as opposed to drawn. The Rangers have superpowers and they battle hideous Nighloks, but almost everything is shot in live action. The only exceptions to this rule are the rangers’ Zords, their mechanical animals that form into the Megazord, a giant robot they use to battle giant-sized Nighloks.
Another thing I love about Power Rangers is the ranger’s costumes, they are very stylish and colorful. Alongside the bright red, blue, green and so fourth for primary colors, the Samurai Ranger’s costumes substitute white with black as a secondary color. I was often bothered by the white-sticking-out-in-your-face type of costumes such as in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. I really like the use of black as opposed to white. It gives the ranger’s costumes a new style and makes them look cooler.
One thing that many fans will like is that Power Rangers: Samurai is that it is good at reflecting off of Samurai Sentai Shinkenger, and many fans who have watched Shinkenger will be pleased to now that Saban didn’t do many major changes to the characters and story. Samurai is also good for people who have grown up with Power Rangers. Such as the main theme being a remix of the original Mighty Morphin’ theme, as well as the return of Bulk as said above.
Despite all the good things that Power Rangers: Samurai has to offer, there are a few things that bother me in it. One thing is the ranger’s wisecracks during battle can be a little annoying (as well as make no sense sometimes). Also, whenever there is a blast of something or when a Nighlok is defeated, it almost always ends up in an explosion, it doesn’t bother me that much, but I just think it’s a little weird.
Overall, I really love Power Rangers: Samurai. It has a lot of action and fighting, It is shot in live action (but it is no longer as much of a trademark as it used to be), the rangers and Nighlok look cool, and it gives a fresh breath on the Power Rangers series.
  • Action-packed
  • Cool costumes
  • Live action
  • Nostalgia much
  • A bit too kiddy
If you are still interested in Power Rangers I definitely recommend Power Rangers: Samurai. It is good to see something new in Power Rangers that wasn’t present before. Also, if you’re the kind of fan who loves merchandise, then there is good news for you. Saban has many forms of merchandise planned for Power Rangers: Samurai, including apps, video games, social media devices, and even a feature film, making Samurai the first series to have a feature film since Power Rangers: Turbo.
Power Rangers: Samurai airs every Saturday at 12/11c on Nickelodeon.
Go go Power Rangers, indeed.
