Sunday 3 April 2011

Ice Cream

Google Doodle
It's not yet summer and it's not quite a holiday: today's Google Doodle takes an obscure twist. It's the 119th anniversary of the ice cream sundae's creation.
However delectable Google's homepage looks today, they've chosen a “holiday” that actually comes with a disputed past – a few cities across America lay claim to the whipped cream- and cherry-topped creation.
The quite official-sounding touts Ithaca, N.Y. as the birthplace of the sundae. Their story begins on April 3, 1892, in fact a Sunday, when Chester Platt created a whimsical concoction at his store. Platt was serving up his standard vanilla ice cream to a customer when he decided to dress up the dish. He doused it in cherry syrup and popped a cherry on top. They labeled their delicious dish in memory of the day it was created, birthing the “Cherry Sunday.”
Plainfield, Ill. and Two Rivers, Wisc. have also laid claim to the sundae's invention, but the scoop seems to be in Ithaca's dish.Wisconsinites claim a local soda fountain first drizzled chocolate syrup over ice cream in 1881, but this assertion has been mired in historical controversy. Ithaca has the written evidence to prove their creation: Chester Platt took out an ad for the “Cherry Sunday” two days later in the local paper.
The doodle takes the shape of an old-fashioned ice cream parlor sign, with the double Os replaced by a glorious ice cream sundae. Oh Google, you know how to sway us: NewsFeed knows just what it will be making for dessert later.
