Thursday 28 April 2011


Everyone knows about the royal wedding this Friday and I’m sure everyone is tired of hearing about it already. However, the main topic of conversation in England is not about the wedding itself, but about the couple – the well-dressedPrince William and the elegant Kate Middleton.

What exactly?

People in general can be cruel but the one thing I’ve noticed about girls is that they are always ready to comment on the appearance of husbands–to-be. It’s even more so with the Prince. In return, guys do much the same thing about future wives, but I’m sure it is just in response to women. The questions? “Do you think he’s good-looking?” or “Is she pretty?”!

Are they?

Women always tell me that when Prince William was young he had everything a woman wanted in a man; handsome, tall and slim, with wavy blond hair. Oh, and rich. Now they tell me he’s still tall, rich and slim… but balding. And not handsome anymore! As for men, Kate may not be curvy but she’s still a beautiful brunette, withcute dimples and a pearly-white smile. However, whether it is the stress of her wedding day or the pressures to conform to society, she has become a bit too skinny.

Appearance opinions

I guess it is only natural to judge people on their looks, particularly if they are famous – being overweight or slightly chubby will always be noticed by newspapers. If you look back at photos of the Prince when he was young, he doesn’t look that much different to now, except for his hair of course. Some people are even saying that Kate just wants to be a princess! Would anyone even make that comment if he had hair??
It just goes to show that some women do think that being bald somehow makes youugly. This is not always true though, as some celebrities who are bald are voted the sexiest men alive, such as the muscled Bruce Willis and the beardedSean Connery. We even have some sexy bald men in our school (from what our female students tell me anyway)!

It doesn’t matter

So even though it’s a case of hair today, gone tomorrow for Prince William, he still has money, power, and a soon-to-be beautiful wife. Most importantly, he is the hair – I mean, heir – to the throne! So do appearances really matter? In this situation, definitely not.

Adjectives to describe physical appearance:

  • Well-dressed – wearing smart, good-quality clothes
  • Elegant – graceful in style and habits
  • Good-looking – attractive appearance, usually for men
  • Pretty – attractive appearance, only for women
  • Handsome – attractive appearance, only for men
  • Slim – not fat; positive description
  • Wavy (hair) – to describe hair shaped like a wave in the sea
  • Balding / to go bald – to be losing hair on the head
  • Bald – to have lost all / most hair on the head
  • Curvy – women not being overly fat; positive description
  • Brunette – having brown hair, usually to describe women
  • Cute – attractive
  • Dimples – small, natural holes in cheeks, usually when smiling
  • Pearly-white (teeth) – extremely white teeth
  • Skinny – negative description of being too thin
  • Overweight – being a little fat
  • Chubby – being a little fat, usually for children
  • Ugly – not beautiful
  • Muscled – describing the body as having lots of muscles
  • Bearded – having a lot of hair on the face
